The Watering Holes of Wivenhoe

Wivenhoe in 1896 had some 21 pubs. Only seven six of these now remain as licensed premises today. The following list of the pubs and their landlords in 1896 is taken from the board of the history of Wivenhoe pubs in The Black Buoy, with three additions giving a total of 24 premises that have been hotels, pubs or beer houses.

Updates in 2024:

  • The Flag Inn updated and photos added;

Wivenhoe History Group

The Wivenhoe History Group has further information on the pubs, as well as general history of the Town and its residents. I am also grateful to them for the use of some of the pictures and information on the detail pages for the pubs.

Whilst clearing out bookshelves at home I came across a 1965 book entitled "East Anglian Pubs" by Vincent Jones. The entry for Wivenhoe has only one entry, for the Brewery Tavern. This makes interesting reading, particularly the entry for 'special drinks'!

The entry is reproduced on the details page for The Brewery Tavern.

I have now donated the book to the shelf in the Black Buoy, where it still was when last checked, if anyone is interested in the other entries or the list of 1960s breweries.


There are no doubt errors and omissions in some of the details. If anyone has more information, particularly on the 'mystery' pubs of Trowel and Hammer or Bunch of Grapes, please get in touch via the contact link.